Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Introduction/why am I doing this?

This past June, I was blessed to attend the national FlipCon '14 conference in Mars, PA. I have to say it easily tops my list of best educational experiences to date.  I had no idea there were so many flippers out there! And they were all so friendly and helpful. Attendees were of various levels of experience with flipping their classroom, many with zero experience. I highly encourage teachers to go if they are interested or experienced in flipping. Even if you go alone. I did and still had a blast!

Although there were plenty of amazing sessions to sit in on, I'm excited to finally be able to access the archived footage. My brain was overflowing with information when I came back, and I'm still organizing everything I learned. However, the absolute best thing that I learned wasn't any type of strategy or computer program. It was twitter!

I had originally refused to join twitter when it came out. I'm almost certain I was the only person under 30 who did not have one (or at least that is the impression my 8th graders gave me, lol). Man, have I been missing out. One of the presenters told me that I had to create a twitter account because "teachers had taken over twitter". She was totally right. Not only have I found fellow teachers flipping and willing to share and help each other, but there is also a NextGen standards chat as well. #flipclass and #ngsschat if you are interested.

I also determined that many teachers had a blog. Something I have always been afraid to try. So in the spirit of "living in beta", I have started this blog with the intent of recording my second year of flipping. My goal is to do more of it with my classroom, maybe starting with my photosynthesis vs. respiration lessons? But be prepared for some randomness. This is the blog of a teacher who has been hyperactive for 28 years (teaching 6 of those) after all, haha. Squirrel moments are bound to occur :)

Disney's UP and the source of "squirrel moments"

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